The Power of Listening

Listening Creates Connections

Andrea Wright I Published on Link/Site

Listening is one of the most powerful tools we can use to create connections and build trust with the people in our circle of influence.

At times we may not be interested in everything others have to say, but not listening at all or not listening well can derail relationships and negatively impact our future.

Good listening skills are always important, ESPECIALLY if you asked a question or are in the middle of a difficult conversation. 

Once you have made the decision to be a better listener use these tips to help gain traction.


Give 100% of Your Attention

You can best use your listening skills when you put away your phone, laptop, or other distractions. Be sure to clear your mind from internal and external noise and move to an appropriate location if necessary. We can only intelligently answer and acknowledge others if we are truly listening. When we give someone our full attention, we show that we care about them and their thoughts. It conveys respect and understanding, which encourages open dialogue.


Don’t Interrupt

Resist the urge to interrupt before the person you are speaking to indicates they are done for the moment. Interrupting someone in a conversation can make them feel disrespected or ignored. It can also lead to misunderstandings and create an atmosphere where one person feels like they are being talked over or not taken seriously. In order to have effective conversations, it is important to listen carefully and avoid interrupting unless absolutely necessary.


Listen without Judgement and an Agenda

It is important to listen without jumping to conclusions and remember that the scenarios you tell yourself prior to the conversation are just stories.  You will not really know what is going on until you listen. Be careful not to formulate your response while the person is talking. The key to truly listening is to have an open mind and then process the information after they speak when you have all the information.


Watch Body Language - Yours and Theirs

Your body language sends very specific messages during a conversation. Think about how you want to be received. If you close your body off – you may send the signal that you don’t want to listen or you don’t care.  When you maintain eye contact and nod, angling your body towards theirs you show understanding and interest.

It is also important to watch their body language to make sure they are feeling safe throughout the conversation. If you notice the other person closing off their body, not giving eye contact, showing negative facial expressions, etc. you may need to stop the conversation and work toward helping them feel safe again in order to move on. Hurrying along a conversation just to tick it off your list, even when the other person is not ready for it, will rarely produce positive results.


Ask Questions

Ask questions to ensure that you understand their perspective accurately. By asking questions, you can show your interest in the topic and gain more information about what the other person is saying. Additionally, asking questions helps to create a two-way dialogue which can help build trust and understanding between parties. Asking questions also encourages people to think deeply about their answers, which can lead to more meaningful conversations.


Listening is one of the most powerful tools that we must learn, understand, and communicate with others. It’s the key to developing relationships and building trust. Listening allows us to gain knowledge from other people’s experiences and perspectives, which can help us make better decisions in our own lives. It also helps us build empathy for others, allowing us to better understand their feelings and motivations. Listening is a fundamental skill that will serve you well in all aspects of life.


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Andrea Wright