Let Your Freak Flag Fly

Andrea Wright I Published on Link/Site


Years ago, I was in a meeting with a colleague who was helping me navigate some business challenges. During our conversation, he casually remarked, “You have to let your freak flag fly, then you’ll attract the people who want to work with you.” That simple statement hit me like a ton of bricks. It was as if he had seen through the carefully constructed façade I’d been showing the world—the version of myself that I thought everyone wanted to see. I was caught in the tension between being my authentic self and living up to an image I thought I had to maintain.

"Let your freak flag fly" became my mantra—a daily reminder to break free from the mold and show up as myself. I realized success wasn’t just about having the right skills; it was about being willing to let my true self shine.



Fast forward to today—I’m knee-deep in my journey to embrace my authentic self, and I recently finished a book that beautifully captures the power of being real. The author’s stories of embracing authenticity not only shaped his career but enriched his entire life. And guess what? I stumbled upon another book right after where a woman shared her journey of finally letting her "freak flag fly" later in life. Yes, they both used those words! It was like the universe was sending me a message.

From a young age, I felt the need to hide my true self, showing only what I thought others wanted to see. I didn’t feel safe being authentic, believing that part of me wasn’t welcome. This strategy protected me as well as trapped me in a cycle of hiding who I really was. Decades later, I was still keeping so many parts of myself locked away, and this strategy was costing me not just in business, but also my true happiness.

For years, it felt like I was hiding behind a heavy curtain, peeking out just enough to see the world but always ducking back at the slightest sign of exposure. Every time I dared pull it back a little more, I’d rush to close it, convinced I had to stay hidden. But slowly, I started letting more light in. At first, it felt awkward, like stepping onto a stage unprepared. But with each small step, I got used to standing in the open—until one day, I preferred it.

And that’s when something amazing happened: I started attracting the right people and opportunities. The kind of people who got me—the real me. They weren’t just connecting with the polished, professional image I’d curated; they connected with me. It made everything easier—conversations, relationships, even business deals. Because when you’re truly being yourself, there’s no need to overthink it. You just are, and the people who are meant to be in your life start to show up.

Today, I’m mostly just me - insecurity still creeps in from time to time. I no longer worry about being who I think others need me to be, and I work with clients to help them free their authentic selves as well. What I’ve discovered is that there’s more joy, more freedom, and more success on this side of things—less worry, and less pain.

So, to anyone out there who’s been hiding their authentic self, I challenge you: Find the courage to let your freak flag fly. Love yourself enough to do the work. You are amazing just as you are, and it’s time to attract the people who will love and appreciate you for being you. It’s time to live the life you were born to live.


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Andrea Wright