How to Jump Start Your Productivity

Andrea Wright I Published on Link/Site


With so many productivity tips out there, it's tough to figure out which ones really work. Even after diving into books and attending classes, a lot of folks still can't seem to nail it. And when you don't, it's easy to beat yourself up for not being disciplined enough. This subject has come up quite a bit lately and, in my experience, I've found that focusing on two key areas are particularly effective when trying to increase your productivity.


First: Forget about how everyone else says it should be done and focus on finding the approach that works best for you.

I typically have my clients complete an assessment that explains the conative side of the mind and how they naturally get things done. This initial step provides a solid foundation for identifying such things as organizational tendencies, how they deal with change, and where they start taking action. Armed with this understanding, we then co-create personal strategies perfectly aligned to their unique approach.

For example, let's say you're someone who loves the idea of being ultra-organized, with everything neatly filed away in binders or computer folders. Yet, every time you dive into this meticulous organization, you end up feeling drained and frustrated, and you still can't locate what you need. On the flip side, when your desk is piled high with papers, you somehow have this magical ability to pinpoint exactly where everything is. Truth be told, there are ways to keep your piles neat and organized. However, the approach may vary for each person tackling a similar productivity issue.

Working on ways to leverage your unique personal strengths instead of trying to fit into someone else's mold can indeed lead to more effective and sustainable techniques for boosting your productivity and efficiency. This personalized approach significantly increases a person’s success rate because they're operating in alignment with their natural inclinations.


Second: Discover what’s causing your procrastination

You know how sometimes we put off stuff for no apparent reason? It's like there's this hidden force messing with our mojo. We're talking deep-down beliefs that sneakily influence our actions without us even realizing it. Next thing you know, you're raiding the pantry, sorting through emails, or doing anything but the task at hand. It's like our brains are playing tricks on us, making us think we're being productive when we're just avoiding the work that really needs to get done. You feel like you're accomplishing something but they’re really just a way to avoid the most important tasks.

Exploring these hidden barriers often involves some introspection. Some quiet time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings plus coaching and/or therapy can help bring these unconscious beliefs to the surface. Once you're aware of them, you can work on challenging and changing them, which can lead to more productive and fulfilling behavior.

For example, if someone has a deep-seated fear of failure or success, they might procrastinate on tasks because completing them would bring them closer to confronting that fear. Or someone might procrastinate because of perfectionism, feeling that if they can't do something perfectly, they shouldn't do it at all.

In essence, productivity isn't solely about following a set of universal rules or techniques; it's about understanding and embracing your own unique workflow. By recognizing and honoring your individual strengths and tendencies, and by confronting the hidden barriers that fuel procrastination, you pave the way for genuine productivity and fulfillment. So, the next time you find yourself struggling to stay on task or beating yourself up for not adhering to conventional productivity advice, remember true productivity lies in aligning your strategies with your authentic self.

Remember, uncovering these personal nuances and overcoming hidden self preservation habits often requires guidance. Working with a coach can provide invaluable support and insights as you navigate this journey towards productivity and self-discovery. Together, you can untangle the complexities of your unique approach and develop strategies tailored specifically to you. With the right support, you'll not only enhance your productivity but also cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself in the process.


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Andrea Wright